Data sources

A core concept in Lime Bootstrap is data sources. A data source is just what it sounds like, a source of data. The source can be many things, like a Lime Inspector, a REST web-service, a stored procedure or a VBA function. Data sources are used both while working with basic views and especially when working with apps.

The datasource configuration takes a paramter type and then other source specific params.

A data source can also take a parameter "alias", which lets you specify a name for the data source in viewModel. This might be usefull if you have multiple sources on the same table wich may couse collisions.


            {type: 'activeInspector'},
            {type: 'localization'},
            {type: 'relatedRecord', source: 'person', view: 'name;phone' , alias: 'contact'},
            {type: 'storedProcedure', source: ''}
        autorefresh : false

Note that autorefresh isn't implemented yet!

The available data sources are:


Fetch data from the ActiveInspector

The datasource takes no additional params.


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a Record object.

Param Description Default
source Name of VBA-function
PassInspectorParam Pass activeInspector id for lookups false


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a Records set object.

Param Description Default
source Name of VBA-function
PassInspectorParam Pass activeInspector id for lookups false


Loads additonal fields from a record connected to the active inspector.

Param Description
source relationfield on activeinspector
view semicolon separeted list of fields to fetch


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a XML as string

Param Description Default
source Name of VBA-function
PassInspectorParam Pass activeInspector id for lookups false


Execute specified VBA-function which must return a Records set object.

The datasource takes no additional params.


Execute specified stored procedure. The procedure must return xml.

Param Description
source Name of stored procedure


Calls a web-service and expects a xml response.

Param Description
source URL


Calls a SOAP web-service.

Param Description
source URL
action SOAP action
xml SOAP request