
vbaVisible: Hiding or showing elements

It is common that some elements only should be visible for certain users or when specific conditions apply. It can be done in two different ways. Either use the Lime Bootstrap data-binding vbaVisible: or use the knockout binding visible:.

The vbaVisible: is used as follows. A VBA function is called, handling the logic whether the element should be visible or not, returning a boolean. true: Element is visible false: Element hidden

In complex cases the VBA-function can take input parameters to reduce the number of VBA functions required.

<li data-bind="vbaVisible:'ActionPad_Helpdesk.HideLinks, take'"></li>

You can also use knockout's built in handler visible: to hide or show elements. Any valid Javascript will be evaluated. Example:

<!-- Shows an bootstrap alert if the todo is late. Moment.js is used to parse and handle dates.-->
<div class="alert alert-error" data-bind="
   visible: todo.endtime.value !== null && (moment(todo.endtime.value) < moment() && todo.done.value != 1),
   text: 'The task is ' + (todo.endtime.value != null ? moment(todo.endtime.value).fromNow(true) : '' )+ ' late!',
   icon:'fa-bell'" >

The binding vbaVisible: is only able to execute a given VBA function that returns true or false. If you need to add some kind of code on top of that VBA function, use the original knockout binding visible: instead. This example uses the opposite of the function result, but any other javascript code would also work fine.

<div data-bind="visible:!lbs.common.executeVba('App_MoveDate.moveDaysPossible')">

vba: Executing VBA-functions and specific actions

vba: is used to trigger VBA-functions and specific actions on click. To call a VBA function simply use:

<li data-bind="vba:'ActionPad_Helpdesk.Take'"></li>

Input parameters are provided by simply separating them by commas.

<li data-bind="vba:'ActionPad_Helpdesk.Park, 1, t_park_1_hour'"></li>

You can also use any available data in the actionpad as an input to the function through concatenating a string

<li data-bind="vba:'ActionPad_Helpdesk.DoSomethingWithTheRecord,' + helpdesk.idhelpdesk.value"></li>

##showOnMap: Showing an address on a map

*   __showOnMap:__ - Searches Google Maps for the provided address.

    <li data-bind="text:company.postalcity.text, showOnMap: company.fullpostaladdress.text, icon: 'fa-map-marker'"></li>

Call: Call a phone number

  • call: - Ads an tel: link to the HTML wich triggers an built in softphone software.
    <li data-bind="text:, call:, icon: 'fa-phone'"></li>

openURL: Go to a website

  • openURL: - Opens the suplied URL in an external browser
     <li data-bind="text:company.www.text, openURL: company.www.text, icon: 'fa-globe'"></li>
  • limeLink - Tries to create an Lime link to the object provided, please note that the root node of the object is used and not a specific property.
    <li data-bind=",, icon:'fa-flag'"></li>

email: Send an email

  • email - Creates an email. TODO: Should use Lime's built in email factory.
    <li data-bind=",, icon:'fa-envelope'"></li>

appInvoke: Start an app

  • appInvoke
    <li data-bind="appInvoke: 'textfileimport"></li>

popover: Show additional info

  • popover - Gives you a small overlayer of context that you can design as you like. In its simplest form, it can be used to display informative texts. It can also be initialized as an object with one or several adjustable attributes, allowing for styling both header icon and title. There are also a few pre-defined types with their own set designs.
        <li data-bind="popover: 'This is a popover'"></li>
If the popover is initialized as an object, the following attributes can be configured:

* __icon__

Any of the icons available from Font Awesome.

* __text__

Text you want to be displayed.

* __title__

Title to be displayed in the header section of the popover.

* __color__

Background color of the header section. All header-colors are avalible.

* __trigger__

What event will trigger the event. Only two values are valid here:
*   hover
*   click

where the default value is 'hover'.

* __placement__

Where the popover will be displayed in relation to its parent element. The following values are valid here:
*   top
*   right
*   bottom
*   left

where the default value is 'top'.

* __type__

What template (if any) should be used. Only the following values are valid:
*   success
*   info
*   error
*   warning
*   custom

where the default value is 'custom'. The top four alternatives will override all values for 'color', 'title' and 'icon'. These will be replaced by template ones for the specific types.

* __Example without template__
            <li data-bind= popover:{
                        text:'This is a popover',
                        title: 'LBS rules',
                        type: 'custom',
                        trigger: 'click',
                        icon: 'fa-check',
                        placement: 'top'
                    }, text: 'Popoverclick'">"></li>
* __Example with template__
            <li data-bind="popover:{text:'This is a popover.',type:'info'}"></li>

tooltip: Show a helping tooltip

  • tooltip - Gives you a good looking tooltip. Bootstrap. You can design where you like the tooltip to show by sending a object with a placement.
        <a data-bind="text:'Andreas', tooltip: 'Konsult'"></a>
        <a data-bind="text:'Andreas', tooltip: {text:'Konsult',placement:'right'}"></a>


A filter in knockout punches is a way of 'piping' a text binding through a pre-defined filter to format the value in a desired way. The filter is initiated using the | sign followed by the name of the filter and any necessary parameter inputs to the filter.


The currency filter can be combined with a text data-bind to format a number as a currency. The filter takes two optional parameters - currency and divider. The currency is the unit in which you want to present the formatted number, e.g. $ or GBP or SEK. The divider lets you decide what delimiter to use for formatting the number.

<div data-bind="text: 100000 | currency:'$':','"></div>

This filter will format the number 100000 as $100,000. The following code

<div data-bind="text: 100000 | currency:'SEK'"></div>

will result in the formatted value 100 000 SEK.